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5/2 4% of Americans and 6% of Christians adhere to a biblical worldview...


5/2 ISRAEL: Turkey halts all trade with Israel; Jerusalem denounces ‘Dictator’ Erdogan...


5/2 Third-largest Christian denomination formally allows LGBTQ+ clergy...


5/2 Hamas’ Ddemonic lies are being perpetuated by the media...


5/2 2 Notable Catholics Evangelize on Twitter/X...


5/2 ISRAEL: Amir Tsarfati: A Silence That Will Have To Be Answered For...


5/2 ISRAEL: Truth About Israel, Islam, Palestine & US Colleges (VIDEO)...


5/2 What if your church was filled with people just like you (VIDEO)...


5/2 Callous regard for human life in the Canadian health system...


5/2 Biden's new transgender rules call for biological males in female bathrooms and locker rooms...


5/2 7 numbers that clearly reveal the direction that America has chosen...


5/2 How to lead like Jesus (AUDIO)...


5/2 What about abortion in the case of rape...


5/2 AI Development with quantum computing: The Antichrist will need artificial intelligence to run his beast system (VIDEO)...


5/2 A euology for vacation bible school...


5/2 12 Christians killed by herdsmen in Nigerian village attack...


5/2 5 books a pastor should read this summer...


5/2 A Biblical worldview of the State of Israel — Tony Perkins & Gary Hamrick (VIDEO)...


5/2 THEO: What is replacement theology...


5/2 Weekly Church attendance leads to better health...


5/2 Pastor's daughter to proceed with legal action against Hillsong...


5/2 United Methodists strike ban on LGBTQ clergy...


5/2 Christian teacher banned over stance on pronouns seeks judicial review...


5/2 Examining the aftermath of the United Methodist church schism...


5/2 98% of Central banks gearing up for trackable digital cash...


5/2 'The Office' actress reveals she once asked a producer to remove a judgmental joke about Christians...


5/2 How to scientifically prove God In 22 seconds (VIDEO)....


5/2 5 Church Attendance Statistics Every Church Leader Needs to Understand in 2024...


5/2 Virtual AI priest ‘Father Justin’ who believes he’s REAL and can absolve your sins faces backlash over bizarre answers...


5/2 John MacArthur Under Fire for Questioning Mental Health Diagnosis: “There’s no such thing as PTSD”...


5/2 Microsoft AI releases new “Deepfake Technology” that could make many newscasters and podcasters obsolete...


5/2 Supreme Court Refuses to Hear Case Regarding Removal of Christian Jurors...


5/2 What appens when church leaders are not ‘attentive’ (AUDIO)...


5/2 The atheist ‘Braveheart’ and ‘Manhunter’ actor, Brian Cox slammed ‘The Bible’ as one of the worst books ever...


5/1  Ken Ham: Many will leave God because they weren’t taught this (VIDEO)...


5/1 Rwanda genocide: 3 lessons for American Christians on division and faith...


4/29 How our culture Is forcefully opposing the Biblical worldview...


4/29 Deconstruction, it's a fad according to Alisa Childers (VIDEO)...


4/29 Biden will run against Christianity according to Tucker Carlson, but frame it as Christian nationalism and Doug Wilson describes what Christian nationalism is (VIDEO)...


4/29 Truth has become a casualty In modern journalism...


4/29 Joe Rogan and Tucker’s viral talk about God, what you need to know (VIDEO)...


4/29 Actor and comedian Russell Brand announces he’s given his heart to Christ, getting baptized...


4/29 Persecution watchdog warns of growing hostility to Christians in US: 'Frogs in the kettle"...


4/29 Actress Susan Sarandon denies Hamas committed rape, justifies ceasefire rejections...


4/27 Over 10 million lives lost after 56 years of the Abortion Act in England, Scotland, and Wales...


4/27 Marriage now the most urgent ministry gap in the church...


4/27 What happens when we die...


4/27 A Missouri megachurch offers monster truck rally or Holy Spirit Barbie party...


4/27 How long will It take for Jewish people outside of Israel to realize they’re In grave danger...


4/27 Taylor Swift's new album draws criticism from Christian leaders...


4/27 SBC rolling out new toolkit to combat sex abuse in the churches...


4/27 Candace Owens converts to Catholicism...


4/27 Religionless Christianity by Eric Metaxas (AUDIO)...


4/27 Columbia University senate votes 62-14 to investigate school's leadership...


4/27 Ex-Porn Star who found Jesus begs Kanye West not to start XXX Studio...


4/27 Has God given enough evidence for rational faith..


4/27 George Soros is paying student radicals who are fueling nationwide explosion of Israel-hating protests...


4/27 Who Is the most successful evangelist in history (VIDEO)...


4/27 Would your team say you’re an authentic leader...


4/27 Evangelist leaves the Church of England due to same-sex blessing...


4/26 Catholic AI chatbot used by over 180K people to ‘ensure fidelity to Church teaching...


4/26 Pro-Lifers call out Biden admin for trying to 'Invent' national abortion mandate...


4/26 Why Christianity makes sense with Sean McDowell and Bobby Conway (VIDEO)...


4/26 The best way to contain this global threat is for America to stand with Israel...


4/26 The rise of the evangelical right and their politics...


4/26 I will keep you from the hour of testing, pretrib, and more (VIDEO)...


4/26 Speak Johnson calls University president to resign: 'Columbia Has allowed lawless agitators and radicals to take over'...


4/26 US Supreme court considers major new abortion case as Biden admin challenges Idaho ban...


4/26 Ministry addresses Bank of America’s de-banking practices at shareholder meeting...


4/26 The 'Unsung Hero' movie review and why you should see it...


4/26 OPN: Disturbing hostility toward Bible prophecy...


4/26 OPN: How might we dress modestly, a modest proposal...


4/26 Christian psychologist: Kids must develop 'resilience' to fulfill God's purpose for them...


4/26 What is settled science with climate change, Ken Ham speaks (AUDIO)...


4/26 5 truths for investing in men...


4/26 Security Experts: Only A Matter Of Time Before Cyberattack Takes Down Power Grid...


4/25 Evangelicals view immigration, American sovereignty and abortion as the top issues facing the United States... 


4/25 Conference organizer calls Mark Driscoll to repent over lies about men’s event...


4/25 Michele Bachmann on anti-semitic protests (VIDEO)...


4/25 Christian artist Anne Wilson talks about the personal story behind her new song...


4/25 How the world is going to end, eschatology, prophecy, and more (VIDEO)...


4/25 Netanyahu warns of 'terrible consequences' if US, world anti-semitism not quelled...


4/25 A half dozen pastors running for SBC president...


Mohler Daily Briefing



SCOTUS overview

SCOTUS case watch



Top 50 countries

2022 trends



Angry with God

Angels: Who are they & do we

Bible: Which version is the best

Bible: Why study it

Bible: Why does the NIV Bible omit verses

Bible: How was it compiled

Bible: Has it been corrupted

Bible: 5 Myths debunked

Bible: Did it borrow from pagan myths

Cain: How did he find his wife

Calvinist or Arminian, which one

Communion/Lord's Supper

Communion & Lord's Supper 3rd cup

Complementarianism vs Egalitarianism

Creation vs Evolution

Cremation/burial: Pt 1   Pt 2

Cursed: Can Christians be cursed

Death: What happens Pt 1   Pt 2


Dinosaurs existence

Dinosaurs in the Garden of Eden

Divine Council what is it

Discernment vs judgement

Earth's Age     Pt 2 Young/Old

Evil: Did God create it

Evil: Why God allows it Pt 1   Pt 2

Fear of God meaning

Flood Myth Pt 1    Pt 2

Genealogy of Jesus (Mt&Lk)

God make a rock He can't move

Heaven questions (VIDEO)

Heaven: How did OT people go there

Heaven: Can people look down from

Hell: Does God send people there

Hell: Did Jesus go Pt 1   Pt 2 

Hell: Did Jesus descend to it

Hell: Eternal hell is harsh

Hell: Defined

I did not know you: meaning

Intelligent design

Israel, why is it important

Judgement: Will Christians be judged

Just war theory


Marriage: Is marriage in heaven

Membership and its importance...

Will spouse in heaven be best friend

Mary apparitions and visions

OT: Does it still apply today

How people were saved in Old Testament

Pharisees vs Sadducees

Pluralism and what it mens

Replacement theology & Israel

Salvation prior to Jesus

Satan  &  Satan's fall

Satan: How, why, and when did he fall

Satan: How he does harm to Christians

Saved: Is everyone saved 

Saved: Can I lose it


Sin: Does God tempt us to sin

Sin: Do we keep asking for forgiveness

Sin: How do I forget my past 

Sinners and saints

Spiritual warfare 

Soul sleep: What is it

Spiritual gifts

Suffering: Why God allows



Theology: What is vital

Theology Chart

Trusting God is hard

Trust in God in the desert

Two or more gathered

Voice of God Pt 1

Voice of God Pt 2

Voice of God or Satan

Unforgivable Sin

What about those who don't hear

Women ministers Pt 1   Pt 2  Pt 3

Women in ministry




Abortion in the case of rape


Alzheimers & dementia


Assisted suicide

Career: advice  &  resume 

Children turn from faith


Counselor youth options

Critical theory

Crystals: are they wrong Pt 1 

Dating: how far is too far

Death penalty 

Death and suffering  and surviving it

Deconstruction of Christianity 

Dementia resources


Divorce: Pt 1   Pt 2   Pt 3   Pt 4

Divorce: Pt 5 (VIDEO)

Divorce: Biblical reasons to separate

Divorce: Bogus Christian beliefs

Divorce: Counselor blames you

Divorce: Does God hate divorce

Divorce-Kids: Pt 1  Pt 2

Divorce: Should I stay

Grief: Dealing with it in Fall and Holidays

Grief - two years later

Gender pronoun usage

Gender pronoun accommodation

Gender procedures & FAQ's

Gender trans pronouns

Gender pref. pronouns

Homosexuality Pt 1   Pt 2

Homosexual & evangelicals

Homosexuality & questions for parents

Identity Project-sexual, trans, etc (paid)

Illegal immigration response

Interracial marriages (VIDEO)


Leadership as a Christian

Lose your job/career 11 passages to help

Marriage 411

Marriage: Biblical meaning

Marriage, divorce, & remarriage

Mean-spirited Christians-response

Mental Health

Miscarriages Pt 1    Pt 2

Near death experiences Pt 1  Pt 2   Pt 3

Nothing separates us from God (verses)

Parenting 411  Bible verses

Pro-life argument and discussion

Pornography Pt 1   Pt 2

Pornography & kids

Pornography perspective and overview

Pornography resources

Rich: Is being rich a sin

Selling your soul to the devil

Selling your soul to satan Pt 1

Selling your soul to satan Pt 2 (VIDEO)

Selling you soul to satan: Is it biblical

Separation Church & State

Separation of  Church & State Pt 2

Sex before marriage

Social media and should Christians use

Spouse has lost faith

Spouse not a believer

Suicide  &  Contact #

Supernatural realm and occultism

Tragedy, how can I believe God protects

Transgender & Christianity


Tithing and giving

Worry from a biblical view



#1 Right Now Media (paid)

#2 Lifeway SBC (paid)

#3 (paid)

#4 SBC (paid)

#5 Christianbook  (paid)

#6 JoshHunt SBC (paid and free)

Other: Top 10 Bible study courses 

Free Seminary/education courses...

Building a theological library...



9 reasons small groups go south

9 tips on studying the Bible

7 reasons small groups can't start

AI and discipleship

Awkward conversations

Books (13) every Christian should read according to Todd Friel (VIDEO)...

Children Bibles, which one...

Classroom arrangement

Choosing the right curriculum...

Difficult members, how to handle

Disciple-making 5 levels of churches

Five reminders why SG's are important...

Food for Small Group that is easy

Games to teach the Bible

Hating the Small Group ministry - tips

How to find Small Group leaders

Ideas for Small Groups for 2023

Igniting small groups past fear

Jump start Small Groups 3 ways...

Josh Hunt resources for SBC

Kids: 20 engaging faith questions

Know it all leader not needed

Launch Small Groups effectively

Men's Bible studies

Questions you need to ask leaders...

Recruiting small group leaders...

Single people ministry

Single adults and why they are needed

Small group essentials

Spaces for spiritual growth

Storytelling transforms SG

Teachers and curriculum importance

Teacher resources

Ten diseases that impact small groups

Trivia Bible games to use

Venting safely in Small Groups

Volunteer teams and how to assess

What is spiritual formations



AI and discipleship


Other: Top 10 Bible study courses 

6 Bible study methods

Small Group leading & lesson template

Template - ABC

Template - Chapter/Summary

Template - SOAP

The Word Hand method



Apologetics 7 lessons

Apologetics 7 lessons

Children's Dept Christmas 15 lessons

Evangelism 13 lessons

Evangelism - RPM Highlands

Explaining Christianity 6 lessons

Following Jesus 8 lessons

How to study the Bible 6 lessons

How to grow 13 lessons

Marriage 13 lessons

New Testament overview 26 lessons

Old Testament overviews 26 lessons

Parenting 13 lessons

Suffering 13 lessons

Theology and big questions  26 lessons

Theology survey with support 1 lesson

Two Ways to Live 6 lessons​



Spiritual review handout for individual

Spiritual gifts survey

PLACE personality/spiritual (paid)

Personality assessment- DISC

Personality assessment- GiAnt

Personality assessment- JUNG





Revival: put on put off

Sexual Purity

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